Reading Strategies

Strategy Video for Parents

Tappy Turtle
Start from the front of the word, say each sound then blend the word together

Stretchy Snake
After tapping each sound stretch the word out slowly before saying the word (mmmmmmmaaaaaaaannnnnnn)

First Grade
Tappy Turtle
Start at the vowel – say the sound the vowel or vowel pair makes in the word, then go to the front of the word and say each sound before blending the word together

Chunky Monkey
Say the vowel sounds first, read the word by chunks/syllables – parents should help children with where to chunk the word

Flippy Dolphin
Child tries the sound of the vowel first. If that does not work, then the child flips the sound of the vowel to say the name

Second Grade
Tappy Turtle
Same as first grade

Chunky Monkey
Say the vowel sounds first, children learn strategies for where to chunk the word independently

Prefixes and Suffixes
Circle any prefixes and suffixes first. Then go to the front of the word and underline and say the sounds of any vowels. Then chunk the word by syllable before blending the syllables together